I would just like to bring you up to date with how we may see returning back to play under the proposed guidelines established by the Government and then the recommendations of Sport New Zealand.
We are hopeful that we may return to some form of court booking and play under stage 2 of level 3. If we are permitted to open with groups of up to 25, we will look to utilise every second court, so courts 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , and 11 will be functional with 4 players per court. Under the stage 2 scenario of numbers of up to 25, and using every second court, all those with courts 2 , 4 , 6, 8 and 10 already booked will have their bookings cancelled and money refunded ?
If we progress to Level 2 with numbers of 50 players we will look to open up all 11 courts with 4 players per court.
Under these restrictions there will be no club play, no group play and no spectators in the facility. The doors will be locked and players allowed to enter through the front door at the start of the hour. The only criteria will be that the current players in the facility have vacated the building through the southern exit door before the next hour players are able to enter. The court hour will finish at the 55 minute mark giving players five minutes to leave the court, put on their mask and exit the facility. Incoming players must be wearing masks, (failure to be wearing a mask will mean you are unable to come into the facility) scan in with their QR code or complete the manual form outside the office, and enter the court area through the main doors.
That gives everyone a basic outline of what we are currently planning for return to play. It’s certainly not ideal but is a step forward with what current restrictions we have.
NOTE: This may alter as we receive further information from the Government of the levels of restrictions and how they evolve.
We will endeavor to keep you all up to date and in the meantime stay safe and get vaccinated 😊